Rise of the Serpent: A Detailed Journey Through ‘The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes’ by Suzanne Collins

6 min readJan 12, 2024



The novel “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” delves into the early days of Panem as well as the beginnings of the Hunger Games’ competition. There is a young Coriolanus Snow at the core of the story, which takes place a long time before he becomes the dictatorial President of Panem. This prequel provides a more in-depth interpretation of the events that played a role in the formation of the dystopian world of The Hunger Games.

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Chapter 1

Coriolanus Snow, who is 18 years old at the time, is getting ready for the reaping of the tenth Hunger Games as the story begins in the Capitol complex. In spite of the fact that his family has fallen from prominence, he intends to bring back their honor and money.

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Chapter 2

The female tribute from District 12 is Lucy Gray Baird, and Snow has been tasked with having her as his mentor. Even though he was initially dismayed, he recognizes that her captivating personality has potential.

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Chapter 3

In the course of the tribute parade, Lucy Gray manages to attract the attention of the crowd by singing and wearing a vibrant attire, which leaves Snow feeling impressed.

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Chapter 4

Snow and Lucy Gray start to develop a relationship with one another. Snow uses various strategies to ensure that he stands out throughout the Games in order to get sponsors.

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Chapter 5

In a televised event, the tributes are presented to the audience. The audience is intrigued by Lucy Gray’s performance, which enhances her chances of coming out on top.

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Chapter 6

Snow struggles with the pressure to succeed as well as the poverty that his family is stuck in. In the course of his work, he is exposed to the harsh reality of the Capitol’s power over the districts.

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Chapter 7

We are now in the Hunger Games. Through the use of Snow’s tactics, Lucy Gray is able to survive the initial pandemonium.

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Chapter 8

Snow has a deeper sense of compassion for Lucy Gray as the Games progress. Keeping her alive requires him to navigate the political landscape of the Capitol.

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Chapter 9

Reflections on the nature of power and control are reflected in Snow. He is beginning to comprehend the manipulative strategies employed by the Capitol.

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Chapter 10

Lucy Gray outlives other tributes by utilizing her wit and cunning to outlast them. There is a growing admiration that Snow has for her.

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Chapter 11

As Snow attempts to continue manipulating the Games for Lucy Gray’s benefit, he is confronted with a number of ethical concerns.

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Chapter 12

As time goes on during the Games, the Capitol becomes increasingly tense. In the course of the political intrigue, Snow becomes more involved.

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Chapter 13

An important turning moment takes place in the Games, which puts Snow’s allegiance to Lucy Gray and the Capitol to the test.

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Chapter 14

In the face of the harsh reality of the Games and the suffering of the tributes, Snow faces the situation.

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Chapter 15

At the point that the Games are drawing to a close, Snow’s plans become increasingly desperate and hazardous.

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Chapter 16

A series of dramatic and unanticipated events take place in Chapter 16, which serves as the culmination of the Games.

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Chapter 17

Following the conclusion of the Games, Snow is forced to confront the repercussions of his actions as well as the shifting relationship dynamics within the Capitol.

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Chapter 18

When Snow’s relationship with Lucy Gray reaches a critical point, he is forced to make decisions that are not easy to make.

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Chapter 19

As a result of his goals and the moral concessions he has made, Snow struggles with his situation.

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Chapter 20

Upon the conclusion of the book, Snow’s journey toward his destiny as President of Panem is established. This path is molded by the events that transpired during the tenth Hunger Games.

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“The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” offers a thorough investigation into topics such as power, morality, and the struggle to survive. In addition to providing a fresh viewpoint on the world of Panem, it sheds light on the sequence of events that led up to the Hunger Games as they were described in the first three books of the series. Suzanne Collins explores the intricacies of human nature and the corrupting influence of power through the trip that Coriolanus Snow takes in her novel. In addition to providing readers with a more in-depth comprehension of the dystopian society that the Hunger Games series takes place in, this prequel is an intriguing addition to the series.

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